What is the Posterior Chain

Sat, Dec 31, 2022

Read in 1 minutes

What is the Posterior Chain

A current buzzword in health & fitness circles.

You will see a lot of trainers mentioning it but what is it and why is it so important.

What is the posterior chain

Posterior is described in the cambridge dictionary as:

positioned at or towards the back

In simplicist terms it is all the muscles on the back side of your body.

The muscles includes the glutes, hamstrings, calves, lats, posterior deltoids, rotator cuff muscles and spinal erectors.

Why is it so important

The collective muscles in the posterior chain are the main drivers for explosive power.

It includes some of the biggest and strongest muscles in the body, strengthening this chain will help build athleticism.

It can also improve:

E.g. Running, sprinting, broad jumps, squatting, lunges all use the muscles in the posterior chain.

What exercises strengthen the posterior chain

What about the anterior chain?

Yes, the anterior chain is also important but most things in a modern lifecycle leads to an anterior dominant body e.g. Walking forward, sitting, boxing, yoga.

This is one of the factors into why many in the western world have bad posture.