Strength Exercise Guide

Sat, Dec 31, 2022

Read in 3 minutes

Strength Exercise Guide

The base categories for basic strength are:

Vertical Pulls

Weighted Pull Ups

Weight pull ups should be on top spot for vertical pull exercises as:

You can experiment with two grip positions:

And two grip widths:

Goals for each rep:


If you can’t perform weighted pullups try one of the following:


Assisted One-Arm Pullup

Horizontal Pulls

Bent-over Row

This exercise is a great one for building sled pull strength.

Kroc Row

A variation of bent over row with dumbbells, going heavy pay dividends here.

Chin up

A variation of the pullups were you using a supinated grip (facing you).

Generally for most people this is easier than the pullup given the movement engages your biceps more.

Vertical Push

Horizontal Push


No explanation is needed here .. it’s a pushup



Posterior Chain

Rack Pulls

The top exercise for the posterior chain is the deadlift however given the risks associated with the exercise I prefer rack pulls.

Unless you are someone that trains competitively in deadlifts or has a lot of experience (and thus good technque) the risk to reward ratio is far too high. Noone wants a lower back injury, its far safer to do a romanian deadlift or a rackpull.

Rack Pull is essentially a deadlift variation where you perform the top part of the movement.

Goals for each rep:


Although stated in above in the vertical pull section, pullups are a great way to strength your upper posterior chain.

Quick Reminder on Use

Remember ensure you get your calories, recovery and protein in!

How to Progress

You can add some progression but tweaking the following:

Further Reading

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