Hyrox Q & A

Thu, Nov 24, 2022

Read in 2 minutes

Hyrox Q & A

Should I carry a gel or running chews?

Generally speaking Yes it is wise to take one gel or equivalent 45 mins into the race.

Now if you are performing a Hyrox around the one hour mark you can get away without taking anything but for most that’s not the case.

Can you wear headphones during a race?

No you are not allowed to wear headphones during an event, but don’t worry a DJ will be banging out tunes!

Is there an area to warmup before your race?

Yes, each event has a dedicated area for warming up. Usually this including bikes and you can even try out the sled with Hyrox weight.

Can I exit the sled pull area?

You are expected to remain with your box (it is marked) when gripping the rope.

How much running is there in a Hyrox Race?

You are expected to do 8 x 1k runs and you will want to run when in the roxzone. The total distance varies between courses but is ~ 8.7k.

What is the Roxzone?

The roxzone is name given to the area between the Hyrox stations and the running area.

Once you have run your 1k run you enter the roxzone to get to the next station and once complete you will exit the roxzone to start your next 1k run.

Within the roxzone there will be water refreshments etc and its is important to limit your time in the roxzone as it will impact your overall time.